Donations can be made at ANY US Bank under the memorial account of : Race to Robie, or via Paypal to

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Happy Birthday

Let me start today's blog off with a Happy Birthday to my big boy Kaden Noah. Today, Kaden turned 2 (although if you ask, he might say 3 since we've been working on counting). Today is going to be a rest day today to try and heal. Last night I did an hour long run while at work. This run was with my vest, and it was at the full 40# weight. It took a little bit of messing with the pack, but I think that I got all of the kinks out of the bounce. I might bring my pack to a commercial sewing place to have them put permanent straps on it, but I'm not sure yet. I'm going to rest today, as my foot is a little tender after the run. During the run, I felt good; had a good pace going, and only an occasional little twinge of pain or discomfort. After the run, I stretched, and even iced my calves while watching my new guilty pleasure "Shameless". But this morning, I got up and my ankle hurt. The pain got better with walking after about a half hour, but it's still there. Just below the ankle on the inside of my foot. I'm walking without a limp, for the most part, but going up and down the stairs is a little sore. Hopefully, this won't be a deal breaker for the event. I was really nervous about the run, with the weight, thinking about the event and the hill, but after the run last night, I feel better about it. The biggest thing is that I have to remember to just take it SLOW. This race wont be about speed, so much as it will be about finishing. I started the run last night at 7mph, and did a half mile at that pace, then I decided to slow it down to 5 mph as that was a more doable pace with the weight (plus I still had to be available to respond to calls while at work). I did the majority of the run at 5 mph, but did increase the speed the last 20 min (i think), and ended up with 5.28 miles in that hour long run. Now if only my foot will cooperate, we'll be good.

    I did make it to US Bank on Friday like I had planned and got the account almost completely set up. I say almost because I ended up having to call the IRS and get an EIN for the fundraiser. That sucked up most of the day, and by the time I was able to get back to the bank, they were closed. So, by Thurs, ANYONE should be able to go to any US Bank and make a donation directly into the donation account with the name of RACE TO ROBIE.   I guess people can also just Paypal me directly and I can then transfer the money into that account as well.

So here's how the training has gone the last few days....
Mon 3/21
Tempo 80-85% for 1 hour
Full 40# vest run with a total distance of 5.28 mi
Sun 3/20
Intervals 2x10 and 2x2
2 rounds of 10 min with 5 min rest, then
2 rounds of 2 min with a 1 min rest
1.51 miles and 1.49 miles for the 10 min
0.28 miles for the 2 min
I was supposed to do the intervals the day before at work. But then we had a barn fire, and didn't get dinner until after 830pm, i was spent. So I went to bed and did the intervals Sunday am instead
Sat 3/19
Every min on the min for 5 min,  4x Squat Cleans at 130# (60% of 1 rep max)
30 sec on : 30 sec off of Knees to Elbows
Friday 3/18
After the IRS call, and friend's over for dinner who stayed longer than expected, I decided to call it a night and not do anything instead of a half assed something at 11pm. I've come to the realization, that instead of getting frustrated when I don't work out, I will think of the fact that the recovery period is why you really get better.
Hope everyone is doing good, and that my foot gets better. I'm still waiting on my SKINS gear to arrive (better be today) and I have an email to one of the TV news channels to get the word out as well, so we'll see where that goes.

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