So I decided to name this new post, getting ugly because I have video from last nights run, and it is ugly. I'm not sure what the reason is, but i seem to have a mental block about my ability to lean forward enough while on the treadmill to get into a good POSE technique/form. I don't know if i'm afraid that I'll lean too far forward and some how fall, causing my to loose half my face to the treadmill tread or what, but i need to get over it. I knew, even without watching the video that I needed to lean more, and pull with my legs; I just couldn't get my body to do it. I will still post the videos, just so you can at least see what it is that I'm doing.
This second video would of been from earlier in the day, but it keeps giving me an error message??? It was part of the S+C workout that was done during lunch time. It was 4 rounds of hanging power snatch @ 115# for 6 unbroken reps, followed by 25 unbroken double unders. With the sets having to be unbroken, there was deafinately a little more rest time needed in between one set to the next. I didn't want to have to repeat any of the sets if I could help it. Luckily, I only had to repeat one set of DU, and that was in the first round.
So here's yesterday's WOD broken up for you
5 min of barefoot jump roping
7 wall walks
4 rounds
6x Hanging power snatch @ 115
25x Double unders
5 rounds x 2 min intervals with 3 min rest
This was done with the weight vest @ 30#
Rd 1+2: 0.26 miles @ 8.5
Rd 2+3: 0.27 miles @ 8.8
Rd 5: 0.28 miles @ 9.0
4 rounds x 1min intervals w/ 1 min rest
Rd1: 0.10 miles @ 9.0
Rd 2: 0.13 miles @ 9.2
Rd 3+4: 0.14 miles @ 9.5
I was still getting a lot of bounce on the 1st run, even after adjusting the strap on the vest. I ended up finding another, second, strap to put on and that really helped with the bounce. I will have to get one made that is black, and shorter than what u see in the vid, but I'm glad I was able to get that bounce problem in check!
Sunday was a rest day for me, and I used it to stretch out a little. My son, Elijah helped by jumping on my back while I was trying to stretch, it definitely helped to push my stretching just that little bit farther.
On Sat, at work, my WOD was
Clean & Jerk 5x2 (5 rounds x 2 reps) @ 175
Front Squats 3x3 @ 250
30 sec on : 30 sec off x 10 of Double Unders. Lowest was 25, high of 37 reps.
3x 7min intervals with 3 min rest
1. 1.03 miles; 9mph for 6min and 9.5 for a min
2. 1.06 miles; 9.2 for 6min and 9.6 for a min
4. 1.07 miles @ 9.4
This Endurance WOD was a good one for me. I had done the same WOD almost 2 months earlier and was only able to get my first round over 1 mile @ 1.05mi. The other 2 rounds were 0.893 and 0.882. So I can definitely see an increase in my endurance and performance.
Today was going to be another rest day for me, as my calves are a little sore from the running. BUT, with how ugly my running was looking last night, I think that I'll instead do some POSE drills today. There's nothing like punishment to keep a person motivated.
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