Well, we have 3 weeks until the big event, and today I did a 5k run with the weight vest on at the full weight of 40#'s. The vest is easily closer to 45# once you factor in the weight of the actual vest, and then I had a bottle of water strapped on just in case. For those of you not living in the Treasure Valley, the weather has been crazy at best. Some sun, some rain, and occasional hail or snow flurry, and windy. That's all in one day too. I was lucky to get a run in today in between rain showers. Most of the running that I've been doing to prepare for the event has been on a treadmill, which is better than nothing. But, the race will not be on a treadmill, and I need to start getting some actual road time in as well. With the treadmill, I can just set a pace and not worry about it. You want an 8 min/mile, set the pace and go. But on the road, you don't have that luxury. So today was a 5K, and I REALLY wanted to get a 30 min 5K. I thought that would be a good pace for me, as that would put me at a regular 1/2 marathon in the 2:15 range. During the run I felt GREAT! It was funny to see the cars pass and the drivers and passengers who actually saw me running. They would just stare at me like I had a Gorilla on my back. So I got my 5K done, missing the rain storms, with a total time of 28:59. I was VERY happy with that result, especially with how I felt at the end. So there's a pic of me after the 5K.
So before I go into the gritty of my training for the last couple of days, I needed to talk about some exciting news. I got an email from FORGED CLOTHING and they have been gracious enough to support my effort and hook me up with some sweet gear. Now, I get to try and patiently wait for the stuff to arrive. If it's anything like the t-shirts I already have, then I know that I won't be disappointed. I'll be sure to take some pics of the gear and let you know what I think. Secondly, I sent out an official press release to all of the major news outlets in the area. I've already been contacted by KIVI news Ch 6 (ABC) and they are interested in doing a story on my efforts. They even asked if I'd be able to do a spot on their morning show. So that is GREAT news on getting the word out. I will be contacting some corporations this week to see about them sponsoring the event as well. Lastly on the news front, I finally received my SKINS calf tights last week and have used them with every work out since. I like them, and have noticed that my calf's are not nearly as sore as they have been. 2 thumbs up for the SKINS!
Now for the training.......
Sat 3/26 Endurance day
Time Trial 5K w/ the 40# vest
Fri 3/25
Every min on the min for 8 min 3x Push Press @ 150#
Every min on the min for 8 min
5x Kettle Bell Swings @ 70#
5x Goblet Squat with the 70# KB
5x Clapping push ups
6 rounds of 400m runs w/ 2 min rest
R1- 9.5 mi/hr = 1:35
R2 +3- 10.5 = 1:25
R4- 11.0 = 1:20
R5- 12.0 = 1:10
R6- 12.5 = 1:05
There was supposed to be a 3 hr rest between the lifting and the running. But with the work schedule the way it was, I had a 20 min rest before getting on the treadmill.
Ths 2/24- All S+C
Squat 3x3 @ 90% (340 #) = 310#
Front Squat 3x5 @ 50% (300) = 150# work on fast, explosive bar speed
3 rounds, no time
15x unanchored sit ups
10x strict knees to elbows
1 min hollow rocks
there was a 30 sec rest between each excersize
Wens 2/23
15-12-10-8 reps of :
Overhead Squats @ 70% (210) = 150#
Chest to bar pull ups
total time: 7:52.78
30 sec on : 20 sec off x 8 rounds
Treadmill at 12% incline
R1-R4 @ 9.5 mile/hr
R5- Fail at 23 sec
R6- Fail at 20 sec @ 9.0 mi/hr
R7- @ 9.0
R8- Fail at 18 sec
Did a couple of penalty rounds after a 2 min rest
PR1 @ 9.0 mi/hr
PR2- Fail at 22 sec
That endurance WOD was absolutely BRUTAL and had me hanging onto the treadmill gasping for air in between rounds in the end. I tacked on a couple of penalty rounds for the failure, but I'd of rather failed going hard than made it going easy.
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