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Thursday, April 14, 2011

1 day, 13 hrs

That's all I got left. One day, thirteen hours before the race starts. I feel good. My feet, which started hurting after the last distance run again have settled down and are feeling good today. Did the WOD 'Helen' today and even after the running in that wod, my feet were still good. I'm looking forward to Sat at noon and getting this thing started. So, I found out today that I will be interviewed tomorrow morning on a local radio station (100.3 the X) at 915am. tune in if you read this in time to listen. If they post the interview on line, I'll be sure to post it here as well. Today, while at work (and actually during my wod) my captain came in and said that Ch 6 was going to be coming out to film some footage of us training at the training grounds. So I ended up doing another interview, and then they shot some film of me pulling hose, humping up the stairs, flowing water etc. It sounds like they will be interviewing me again right before and right after the race and putting it all together for one big news 'article'. I'll keep you posted when i find out more. So, with this being the week before the event, it's been a taper down week, and a week of rest. Which is really hard for me because I'm not used to going easy. Especially when it comes to working out, or getting my wod's in. But I keep trying to remind myself that my body is going to be abused on Sat and that it needs the rest now (especially my feet). So here's how the last week has shaped up

        Ths 4/14
3 rounds
400m run (1/4 mile)
21 Kettle bell swings @ 53#
21 Pull ups
This was to be done @ 70% speed. I set the treadmill at 7.5 mph + 1% incline & ran for 2:30 each interval. I also did the pull ups as a STRICT pull up instead of the normal kip or butterfly kipping pull up that I would do. Total time:  13:12.30.

        Wens 4/13
Rest. Had a pukie kid at home and never got a chance to do anything. I did pick up the race packet though ;)

       Tues 4/12
Squat 5x3 @ 70% (310) = 220
Core work 30 sec on : 30 sec off
2 rounds of:  4 count flutter kicks, holding feet up during the rest
2 rounds of hollow rocks

       Mon  4/11
Weighed run of approx 2.5 miles. Weight was dropped to 20#. Total time 20:18.38

       Sun 4/10

       Sat 4/9
My buddy Gabe (who's running Robie as well) and I ran part of the course. We started where the pavement ends, and went to the summit (about 5 miles each way). Used this run as a chance to remember the course, check road conditions, and just relax. I put no pressure on myself to reach the summit in a specific time. It took close to 2+ miles again for my calves to loosen up enough to stop yelling at me and stop hurting. But once they were stretched out, it was great. A great run, that was a little cold. There was mist on the mountain, a light snow falling at times and a little wind. The road was pretty much clear except for some patches of snow and soft, near mud conditions. Meaning that the back side of the event will definitely have snow and mud. So we'll see how it goes. I will leave you with a picture that Gabe sent to me after he got home from the run. His bloody nipple speaks for itself.

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